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This competition has ended

Internet of Things Tutorial Contest

Help write tutorials related to the Internet of Things for a chance at your share in $10,000 of prizes.

What is the challenge?

This latest mission, should you choose to accept it, is to guide developers through learning about The Internet of Things to the point where they can write code, use services and connect devices. 

The competition is comprised of a series of five stages each focusing on a different aspect of The Internet of Things. At the beginning of each stage, an outline describing the topics you need to write about in that round will be released here on the contest page. Compete with fellow CodeProject members for prizes, fame and glory by writing and submitting your best tutorials in each of the categories.

Judges will select their favourites from each stage to win and be included in a CodeProject "Beginner's Guide to The Internet of Things". Once completed, the tutorial series will help guide developers with little or no previous knowledge through the process of developing Internet of Things applications and systems from scratch.

The Internet Of Things is a very, very broad segment and we are deliberately focusing on small, cheap, embedded devices to start. We want to challenge developers to try different platforms, different languages and different development environments while keeping it focused at a practical, fun level.

Be sure to subscribe to the message board at the bottom of this page to receive notifications of important contest announcements

The Loot - $10,000 in Total Prizes

25 IoT Hardware Kits
The first 25 contestants that submit an article* in Stage 2 or later will receive a basic IoT device to help begin the construction of their very own machine-to-machine hardware haven.

20 Article Prizes - $300 each
In each of the first four stages, up to five winning articles will each take home a cash prize of $300 (USD) for their outstanding contributions to our new machine overlords.

1 Grand Prize - $1,500
In the final stage of competition, one lucky winner will take home a cash prize of $1,500 (USD) for their outstanding contributions to the challenge and guiding beginners to create their own human enslaving Skynet v1.0. Or enlightened connected environment. Whichever works for you, really.

How do I enter?

At the beginning of each stage, a series of different article topics and outlines will be published below. Contestants have until the stage deadline to write and submit as many articles as they wish (each article should focus on a single technology or platform). Prizes will be awarded to the top articles submitted in each stage. 

To ensure your article is judged, make sure to submit your article into a section within the Internet of Things chapter and make a note in the "Comments for editors" box on the article submission wizard which category or topic you are writing about (i.e. "Stage #2 - ArdOS").

Article Outlines and Topics

Here are the topics you need to write about! Choose one or try your hand at as many as you can muster! Submit your article now.

Stage 1 - Introduction to the Internet of Things (Articles due 26 October 2014 at 11:59 p.m. ET)

Write an article that provides a brief, high-level overview of The Internet of Things.
Articles should cover: What it is, why it's evolved, what devices, operating systems, development environments and platforms make up the IoT, and what it means to developers.


Stage 2 - Preparing to Program Connected Devices (Articles due 9 November 2014 at 11:59 p.m. ET)

Write an article that provides a pertinent and simple walkthrough of an Internet of Things OS.
Articles should include a brief overview, sample code, steps to setting up the development environment, and other tips/best practices. Each article should focus on a single operating system/platform.

Possible IoT operating systems/platforms to write about:


Stage 3 - Services (Articles due 23 November 2014 at 11:59 p.m. ET)

Write an article that provides a pertinent and simple walkthrough of an Internet of Things service.
Articles should include a brief overview, sample code, steps needed to use the service, and other tips/best practices.

Possible IoT-related services to write about:


Stage 4 - Programming Connected Devices (Articles due 7 December 2014 at 11:59 p.m. ET)

Write an article that provides a pertinent and simple walkthrough of an Internet of Things hardware platform or embedded device.
Articles should include a brief overview of setup, development, deploy, debugging and other tips/best practices.

Possible IoT-related hardware to write about:

  • Galileo (Arduino)
  • Edison
  • Netduino
  • Raspberry Pi
  • UDOO
  • Hummingboard
  • Or any other microcontroller board or connected device that you wish you explore. If you're unsure if the hardware you wish to write about is a good fit for the competition just ask in the message board below and we'll doublecheck with Agent Smith...


Stage 5 - IoT in Action (Articles due 21 December 2014 at 11:59 p.m. ET)

Expand upon the foundation built in the first four stages of competition and combine hardware, software and web services into a single project to show off your innovation, cleverness, humour or whimsy.

There’s a single prize this round for the tutorial that leaves the judges in awe and best demonstrates the power of IoT. Think outside the box. Surprise and delight us. Prove your mettle.

**ROUND CLOSED** Winners announced week of 12 January 2015

Judging Guidelines

At the end of each stage, CodeProject judges will choose their favourite articles of those submitted in that stage. Prizes will be awarded based on how closely an entry adheres to the conditions of entry, including

  • how clear, pertinent, simple and enjoyable the tutorial is;
  • how comprehensively and concisely the tutorial explains the development topics outlined in each stage;
  • the overall execution, and presentation of the tutorial itself; and
  • how effectively the participant contributes to the overall goal of teaching beginner IoT developers.


Stage 1 - Introduction to the Internet of Things

Stage 2 - Preparing to Program Connected Devices

Stage 3 - Services

Stage 4 - Programming Connected Devices

Stage 5 - IoT in Action


1. How many articles do I have to write in each stage?

We encourage you explore any topics that interest you and to submit as many articles as you can in any given stage, but you only have to submit a single article to be considered for a prize in the corresponding stage.

2. Can I submit an article after its deadline has passed?

Yes, but it will not be considered for judging and prizes. However, it may help curry favor with the almightly robotic overlords.

3. Do I have to follow the topic descriptions exactly?

No… but you shouldn’t stray too far either. If you feel the need to go into more detail on something we missed then by all means include it. Just remember to keep on track with the main focus of the outlined topics and explain them in the clearest and most pertinent manner possible as this is a factor in judging.

4. Can I link to outside resources and other websites in my article?

Yes, but you should avoid it where possible. There are many resources out there that cover beginner IoT topics in great detail, and while it may be tempting to simply link to these, the strongest articles and tutorials will explain the necessary technical information within the article itself.

It’s best practice to avoid linking en masse to outside resources. Remember, we're trying to build a complete beginner's guide to the Internet of Things on CodeProject - not a table of contents that links to different places all over the web. Any entries that contain plagiarised content or materials will be disqualified. 

5. What if I have more questions?

If you have more questions feel free to ask in the forum below or by emailing

*Articles must be of an acceptable quality and fulfill requirements outlined for the article topic/category as determined solely by CodeProject. 
†Eligible contestants may choose either a Galileo-, Edison-, Netduino- or Raspberry Pi-based device. Total cost of hardware, shipping and any applicable import fees or taxes must not exceed $100 (USD). Giftcards or cash may be substituted in place of hardware at the sole discretion of CodeProject.


Current Participants

Software Developer (Senior) Devo
Australia Australia
Software developer par excellence,sometime artist, teacher, musician, husband, father and half-life 2 player (in no particular order either of preference or ability)
Started programming aged about 16 on a Commodore Pet.
Self-taught 6500 assembler - wrote Missile Command on the Pet (impressive, if I say so myself, on a text-only screen!)
Progressed to BBC Micro - wrote a number of prize-winning programs - including the best graphics application in one line of basic (it drew 6 multicoloured spheres viewed in perspective)
Trained with the MET Police as a COBOL programmer
Wrote platform game PooperPig which was top of the Ceefax Charts for a while in the UK
Did a number of software dev roles in COBOL
Progressed to Atari ST - learned 68000 assembler & write masked sprite engine.
Worked at Atari ST User magazine as Technical Editor - and was editor of Atari ST World for a while.
Moved on to IBM Mid range for work - working as team leader then project manager
Emigrated to Aus.
Learned RPG programming on the job (by having frequent coffee breaks with the wife!!)
Moved around a few RPG sites
Wrote for PC User magazine - was Shareware Magazine editor for a while.
Organised the first large-scale usage of the Internet in Australia through PC User magazine.
Moved from RPG to Delphi 1
Developed large applications in Delphi before moving on to VB .Net and C#
Became I.T. Manager - realised how boring paper pushing can be
And now I pretty much do .Net development in the daytime, while redeveloping PooperPig for the mobile market at night.
Software Developer
India India
I am into software Development for less than a year and i have participated in 2 contests here at Codeproject:-Intel App Innovation Contest 2012 and Windows Azure Developer Challenge and been finalist at App Innovation contest App Submission award winner as well won two spot prizes for Azure Developer Challenge.I am also a finalist at Intel Perceptual Challenge Stage 2 with 6 entries nominated.I also won 2nd prize for Ultrabook article contest from CodeProject

Microsoft MVA Fast Track Challenge Global Winner.
Ocutag App Challenge 2013 Finalist.

My work at Intel AppUp Store:-

Software Developer
Pakistan Pakistan
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan is a computer programmer from Rabwah, Pakistan, currently living in The Netherlands, likes .NET Core and Node.js for regular everyday development. Afzaal Ahmad works at Adyen as a Developer Advocate.

He is an expert with Cloud, Mobile, and API development. Afzaal has experience with the Azure platform and likes to build cross-platform libraries/software with .NET Core. Afzaal is an Alibaba Cloud MVP, twice he has been awarded Microsoft MVP status for his community leadership in software development, four times CodeProject MVP status for technical writing and mentoring, and 4 times C# Corner MVP status in the same field.
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
CEO Scavix Software GmbH & Co. KG
Germany Germany
Scavix Software offers high quality software development and consulting. That's what customers like Intel, AMD, eBay and Sage Software trusted in the last years. Be it on the desktop, in the web browser, on a mobile phone, on a tablet or on the TV: we can make your software visions come true.
Are you our next customer? Don't hesitate to contact us.

Chief Technology Officer Logical Advantage
United States United States
Dan graduated summa cum laude from North Carolina State University with dual degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering. Dan attended NC State on full scholarship program with General Motors. After working with GM, Dan served as application development director for the largest Microsoft Business Solutions Partner in the Carolinas. During this time, Dan's team won two Microsoft Pinnacle awards. For the past 10 years, as Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of, Logical Advantage (, a software consulting business, Dan has successfully architected and delivered web-based and mobile applications for many Fortune 500 companies. Dan focuses his energies on emerging technologies, and ensuring that all projects are architected to meet the client's current and future needs. Dan collaborates with his Chief Solutions Officer and other architects to create technical standards, including coding standards, tools, and platforms. He holds a leadership role in the local Microsoft Enterprise Developer's Guild and has been on the steering committee for over a dozen years.
Scotland Scotland
I have been working in the Oil & Gas Industry for over 30 years now.

Core Discipline is Instrumentation and Control Systems.

Completed Bsc Honours Degree (B29 in Computing) with the Open University in 2012.

Currently, Offshore Installation Manager in the Al Shaheen oil field, which is located off the coast of Qatar. Prior to this, 25 years of North Sea Oil & Gas experience.
CEO Integrated Ideas
India India
gasshopper.iics is a group of like minded programmers and learners in codeproject. The basic objective is to keep in touch and be notified while a member contributes an article, to check out with technology and share what we know. We are the "students" of codeproject.

This group is managed by Rupam Das, an active author here. Other Notable members include Ranjan who extends his helping hands to invaluable number of authors in their articles and writes some great articles himself.

Rupam Das is mentor of Grasshopper Network,founder and CEO of Integrated Ideas Consultancy Services, a research consultancy firm in India. He has been part of projects in several technologies including Matlab, C#, Android, OpenCV, Drupal, Omnet++, legacy C, vb, gcc, NS-2, Arduino, Raspberry-PI. Off late he has made peace with the fact that he loves C# more than anything else but is still struck in legacy style of coding.
Rupam loves algorithm and prefers Image processing, Artificial Intelligence and Bio-medical Engineering over other technologies.

He is frustrated with his poor writing and "grammer" skills but happy that coding polishes these frustrations.
This is a Organisation

115 members
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Technical Lead
India India
Hi All, I am a .NET developer and am primarily interested in HTML5, ASP.NET, WPF, C#, JavaScript and ASP.NET MVC. I am currently working as a technical lead. I am passionate about programming and strongly believe that technology coupled with values can make the world a better place.
Doctorandin Technische Universität Berlin
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of)
I have been working with different technologies and data more than 10 years.
I`d like to challenge with complex problem, then make it easy for using everyone. This is the best joy.

ICT Master in Norway 2013
Doctorandin at Technische Universität Berlin in Data Scientist ( currently )
Diamond is nothing except the pieces of the coal which have continued their activities finally they have become Diamond.
Software Developer (Senior) CET Electronics
Italy Italy
Played with transistors and ICs before being ten. First approaches to programming (PET Commodore) in the early '80.
Then AppleSoft, TurboPascal, Assembler and VisualBasic.
Currently employed at CET Electronics as lead software developer, involved in creation of industrial control systems.
Loving graphics technologies, I had some great time with SVG.
Since 2006 my primary language is C#, where I am focusing on WPF.
Architect I Computer Solutions Srl
Romania Romania
Catalin Gheorghiu is a solution architect from Timisoara. At the moment is interested in developing for mobile and cloud platforms. In addition to addressing the development and architecture, is a trainer and consultant. In his spare time is member of the technical community, contributing with articles and blogs to several user groups (MrSmersh), lecturing all over Romania and abroad, is also RONUA Timisoara user group leader.
Since 2011, every year he was awarded the Microsoft MVP Award.
Software Developer
India India
Naren started coding during 1999 with FORTRAN, then COBOL, PASCAL, C, C++, VC++ ..... C#, Java, ASP so on, till today. He claims himself as techie who loves coding, but he is not even sure which technology or platform he loves, most of the time Windows, some time WinCE, some time Linux, nowadays Android and embedded platforms. He can do some query stuffs with Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL. He strongly believes that C/C++ is a must for all programmers, "if you know C/C++, you can do programming on any language". He is an electronic gadget guy who likes to buy small gadgets all the time, at least he will do window shopping on a gadget shop. His interest always have been with Automation in any form, call it a little automated program sitting in his Laptop or a home automation program runs on his mobile. Apart from coding, he likes to do...???
Slovakia Slovakia
My programming path started in 1987 when I got my first computer Sharp MZ-800.
It came with 8 bit CPU Z80, 64Kb RAM and the tape recorder. It was a great machine. I think I still have it somewhere.
I was fascinated and I started to write first programs. Eventually I became developer and software architect. I like innovations and clean nice solutions.
Architect --
Italy Italy
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
United States United States
I am a software architect and I have been developing software for nearly two decades. Over the years I have learned to value maintainable solutions first. This has allowed me to adapt my projects to meet the challenges that inevitably appear during development. I use the most beneficial short-term achievements to drive the software I develop towards a long-term vision.

C++ is my strongest language. However, I have also used x86 ASM, ARM ASM, C, C#, JAVA, Python, and JavaScript to solve programming problems. I have worked in a variety of industries throughout my career, which include:
• Manufacturing
• Consumer Products
• Virtualization
• Computer Infrastructure Management
• DoD Contracting

My experience spans these hardware types and operating systems:
• Desktop
o Windows (Full-stack: GUI, Application, Service, Kernel Driver)
o Linux (Application, Daemon)
• Mobile Devices
o Windows CE / Windows Phone
o Linux
• Embedded Devices
o VxWorks (RTOS)
o Greenhills Linux
o Embedded Windows XP

I am a Mentor and frequent contributor to with tutorial articles that teach others about the inner workings of the Windows APIs.

I am the creator of an open source project on GitHub called Alchemy[^], which is an open-source compile-time data serialization library.

I maintain my own repository and blog at[^], because code maintenance does not have to be a living hell.
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer
Fiji Fiji
Prilvesh is a Front end and Back end developer who holds certificates from Google , Microsoft and Oracle who Specializes in Web development and automation using Python and PHP.
He has experience designing developing and building Api's and secure platforms that can handle enterprise level transactions with encryption.

He often simplifies complex problems and solves them through processes and procedures that are efficient and easily understandable even by non programmers including management.
Web Developer
United States United States

Around 10 years of professional software development experience in analysis, design, development, testing and implementation of enterprise web applications for healthcare domain with good exposure to object-oriented design, software architectures, design patterns, test-driven development and agile practices.

In Brief

Analyse and create High Level , Detailed Design documents.
Use UML Modelling and create Use Cases , Class Diagram , Component Model , Deployment Diagram, Sequence Diagram in HLD.

Area of Working : Dedicated to Microsoft .NET Technologies
Experience with : C# , J2EE , J2ME, Windows Phone 8, Windows Store App
Proficient in: C# , XML , XHTML, XML, HTML5, Javascript, Jquery, CSS, SQL, LINQ, EF

Software Development

Database: Microsoft SQL Server, FoxPro
Development Frameworks: Microsoft .NET 1.1, 2.0, 3.5, 4.5
UI: Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC3, MVC4
Coding: WinForm , Web Development, Windows Phone, WinRT Programming, WCF, WebAPI

Healthcare Domain Experience

CCD, CCR, QRDA, HIE, HL7 V3, Healthcare Interoperability


B.E (Computer Science)

CodeProject Contest So Far:

1. Windows Azure Developer Contest - HealthReunion - A Windows Azure based healthcare product , link -

2. DnB Developer Contest - DNB Business Lookup and Analytics , link -

3. Intel Ultrabook Contest - Journey from development, code signing to publishing my App to Intel AppUp , link -

4. Intel App Innovation Contest 2013 - eHealthCare

5. Grand Prize Winner of CodeProject HTML5 &CSS3 Article Contest 2014

6. Grand Prize Winner of CodeProject Android Article Contest 2014

7. Grand Prize Winner of IOT on Azure Contest 2015
United States United States
I earned my Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from Utah State University in 2004 with a minor in Mathematics and Computer Science. I also obtained a Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering from Utah State University with an emphasis in Embedded Systems. I am proficient in C#, C, assembly, and VHDL and have written a variety of applications targeting embedded processors. My experience includes robotics, LIDAR imaging, FPGAs, and various communication protocols. I currently work for the Air Force as the Technical Lead over a team of engineers at Hill Air Force Base, Utah.
Germany Germany
RIOT is the friendly operating system for the Internet of Things (IoT).
It is tailored to networked, memory-constrained IoT devices. RIOT allows
application programming in C and C++, and provides full multithreading
and real-time abilities. It is open-source software, released under the
GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).
This is a Organisation (No members)

India India
Yathi had been working as a software developer for over 4 years.
His personal interests are programming and travailing.

For the past few years I've been providing solutions to clients using Microsoft technologies for web and Windows applications.

Internet of Things Tutorial Contest Terms & Conditions

These rules (and the CodeProject® Terms of Use and the CodeProject Contributors Agreement) govern the Internet of Things Tutorial Contest (the "Contest") and set out the terms and conditions between CodeProject and its affiliates ("CodeProject" or "us/we") and each participant ("participant", "or "you"). A submission to this Contest constitutes your acceptance of these Official Contest Rules (the "Rules").

1.  How to Enter: CodeProject is offering the Contest and will award Prizes (as defined below) based on the results of judging all valid entries against the criteria established in these Rules.  

The Contest begins on 16 October 2014 at 12AM and ends on 21 December 2014 at 11:59:59 PM US Eastern Standard Time (“Contest Period”). CodeProject’s clock is the official time for the Contest. All entries must be submitted during this period in order to qualify.

The Contest Period consists of the following periods ("Stages"):

  1. Stage 1 – 16 October 2014 at 12:00 am ET to 26 October 2014 at 11:59pm ET;
  2. Stage 2 – 20 October 2014 at 12:00 am ET to 9 November 2014 at 11:59 pm ET;
  3. Stage 3 - 3 November 2014 at 12:00 am ET to 23 November 2014 at 11:59 pm ET;
  4. Stage 4 - 17 November 2014 at 12:00 am ET to 7 December 2014 at 11:59 pm ET;
  5. Stage 5 - 1 December 2014 at 12:00am ET to 21 December 2014 at 11:59 pm ET.

To enter the Contest, submit an article into a section within the Internet of Things chapter and make a note in the "Comments for editors" box on the article submission wizard that states the category and/or topic you are writing about (i.e. "Stage #2 - ArdOS"). A series of new topics (that are to be discussed in the Contest article entries) will be released on contest page at the beginning of each new Stage throughout the Contest. Entries must be submitted by the end of their corresponding Stage to be eligible for that Stage's Prizes.

Submit your entry at the URL and ensure you submit it into a section within the Internet of Things chapter ( Participants must comply with the submission format provided by CodeProject on its website. Submissions must be in the English language.

No purchase is necessary to enter the Contest or to be eligible to win a Prize.

We are not responsible for lost, illegible, incomplete, mutilated or stolen entries; errors appearing within these Rules, in any Contest related advertisements or other materials; or other errors of any kind whether mechanical, human, electronic or otherwise. Entries that are late, illegible, incomplete, unreadable, damaged, delayed, lost, tampered with, incomprehensible, forged, mutilated, misdirected, inaccurate, unintelligible or otherwise not in compliance with these Rules will be disqualified. You must provide all of the requested information to submit a valid entry. Only those who live in jurisdictions in which this Contest is legal may enter.

Prizes may be withheld or awarded to another eligible registrant if these Rules are breached.

Prizes may not be exactly as shown. A reasonable US$ equivalent in lieu of the Prize may also be awarded at the sole discretion of CodeProject.

Entries shall be deemed to be submitted by the authorized account holder of the email address submitted at the time of entry unless clearly indicated otherwise. "Authorized account holder" is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an email address by an internet access provider, on-line service provider, or other organization (e.g. business, educational institution, etc.) that is responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted email address.

  1. Eligibility: This Contest is open to software development professionals & enthusiasts who are of the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence. Residents of Quebec and of the following countries are ineligible to participate due to legal constraints: Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. All national and local laws and regulations of the participant’s country of residence apply. Residents of countries under U.S. embargo are not eligible to enter. Employees, officers and representatives (and members of their immediate families and those living in the same household of each) of CodeProject, its parents, subsidiaries and affiliated companies, advertising and promotion agencies, and any company involved in the design, execution, production of this Contest ("Contest entities") are ineligible. CodeProject reserves the right to verify participant eligibility at any time and all participants may be required to provide verification of eligibility. Void where prohibited. You must enroll or be enrolled as a member of to be eligible to win a Prize in this Contest. 


3.  Determination of winners:
Up to forty-six (46) Prizes will be awarded, but only a valid entry in compliance with these Rules is eligible to win a Prize.  Eligible entries will be judged by CodeProject judges at the end of each Stage. Articles will be judged based on the following elements:

  • how clear, pertinent, simple and enjoyable the entry is;
  • how comprehensively and concisely the entry explains the development topics outlined in each Stage;
  • the overall execution, and presentation of an entry itself; and
  • how effectively the participant contributes to the overall goal of teaching beginner Internet of Things developers.

In addition, the votes and comments each submission receives on the CodeProject website may be taken into account. Judges decisions are final. You may withdraw your submission at any time by notifying CodeProject. Your right to win a Prize is terminated if a submission is withdrawn.

Winners will be notified by email following selection and may also be announced in the Daily Build newsletter or other sections of We shall have no liability for any winner notification that is lost, intercepted or not received by the potential winner for any reason and we are not obligated to leave voice mail, answering machine or other message.  Proof of response by a potential winner does not constitute proof of receipt by us.

All winners will be notified via email. If after seven (7) days of the second notification to the winner no acknowledgement or response is received, the Prize is forfeited, and CodeProject will select another winner.

Each winner acknowledges that, if and to the extent that CodeProject is legally obligated to provide a third party with information about any Prize claimed by a winner, CodeProject shall be entitled to do so.

4.  Ownership and Publicity: CodeProject does not claim ownership of your submission to the Contest (please see the “Ownership” section in the CodeProject Contributors Agreement), but by submitting an entry, you grant CodeProject, its affiliated companies and necessary sub-licensees a worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive, fully assignable and transferable right and license, to edit, adapt, translate, reformat your submission, to post your submission (e.g. publish, display, perform, digitally perform) anywhere on our Site, to do what CodeProject feels it needs to do to manage and update the Site, to make and maintain back-up and archival copies, and to make your submission available to End Users in accordance with these Rules, CodeProject’s Contributors Agreement, and the specific EULA that you select. 

By participating in the Contest, you expressly allow CodeProject to use and publish, in any medium or format, your name, city and country of residence, voice, statements, video, photographs and other likenesses in connection with any promotion, advertising or publicity without further consideration or notice to you. Any participant’s personal information may be used by CodeProject in order to conduct the Contest. By participating in the Contest, the participant agrees to the use of the participant’s personal information in accordance with CodeProject’s privacy policy, which can be found at


5.  Participant Warranties:

By submitting an entry to the Contest, you warrant that your submission:

  1. is a new article or a new version of an article and has not been published previously;
  2. does not contain any content that infringes on any third party rights, including Intellectual Property (IP) rights, and that you own or otherwise have all rights necessary to make your submission, including any and all IP rights;
  3. does not disclose any information which would constitute a violation of any confidentiality obligation;
  4. does not violate any agreement that you have with any third party; and
  5. does not contain any viruses, worms, spyware, or other components or instructions that are malicious, deceptive, or designed to limit or harm the functionality of a computer or computer system. 

6.  Prizes:

As described below, there will be up to forty-six (46) Contest prizes (“Prize” or “Prizes”) awarded: up to one (1) Grand Prize, up to twenty-five (25) IoT Hardware Kit Prizes, and up to twenty (20) Article Prizes. The winner of each prize will be selected at the sole discretion of CodeProject judges.

  1. One (1) Grand Prize: A cash Prize of fifteen hundred ($1,500) USD will be awarded at the end of Stage 5.
  2. Twenty-five (25) IoT Hardware Kit Prizes: Winner's may choose either a Galileo-, Edison-, Netduino- or Raspberry Pi-based device with a value of up to one hundred ($100) USD including shipping costs and applicable taxes.

    These Prizes shall be awarded to the first 25 contestants that submit an article in Stage 2 or later. Articles must be of an acceptable quality, fulfil requirements outlines for the article topic/category as determined solely by CodeProject, and abide by the Terms of this Contest.
  3. Twenty (20) Article Prizes: A cash prize of three hundred ($300) USD will be awarded to up to five contestants in Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, and Stage 4.

The total approximate retail value (“ARV”) of all Prizes will not exceed ten thousand ($10,000) USD. All applicable federal, state, and local tax laws apply. The value for any prize is based on the ARV at the beginning of the Contest Period. Because the ARV for any Prize may fluctuate, CodeProject has the sole right to determine the value of any Prize, or its cash equivalent, at the time that any prize is awarded.


Substitution or transfer of Prizes is not allowed.  In CodeProject’s sole discretion, it may award a substitute prize of equal or greater value. The winner accepts responsibility for all federal, state and local taxes and fees in connection with the Prizes. If you are a potential winner, we may require you to sign an Affidavit of Eligibility, Liability/Publicity Release and a W-9 tax form or W-8 BEN tax form within seven (7) business days of notification. In certain countries, such as Canada, a winner may be required to correctly answer a skill testing question before becoming eligible to claim a Prize.

Apart from any Prize that may be awarded as part of the Contest, no compensation (monetary or otherwise) will be paid for your Contest submission. CodeProject is not responsible for Contest entries not received due to lost, failed, delayed or interrupted connections or miscommunications, or other electronic malfunctions. CodeProject is not responsible for incorrect or inaccurate entry information, whether caused by you or any other persons or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest.

The Prize will be shipped to the winner’s residence using standard delivery. CodeProject is not responsible for a Prize if it is lost, stolen or damaged during or after shipping, and it will not be replaced by CodeProject. 


7.  Warranties and Disclaimers: Prizes come with the standard manufacture warranty only (if applicable), but Prizes are awarded “AS IS”. To the fullest extent allowable by law, CodeProject specifically disclaims any representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the Contest or the Prizes including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and implied warranties arising from course of dealing or course of performance.


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9.  Generally: CodeProject may make changes to these Rules at any time without notice to you. Participating in the Contest or accepting a Prize will constitute acceptance of the revised rules. These Rules prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with any other communications, including advertising or promotional materials.

All trade names, trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned or displayed in connection with the Contest are the property of their respective owners and may not be used in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of their respective owners. 

If, for reasons beyond CodeProject’s control (including, but not limited to, tampering or computer virus infection), the Contest is not capable of running as originally planned, CodeProject, at its sole discretion reserves the right to cancel or modify the Contest, without liability or further notice. CodeProject will not be responsible for lost, late, misdirected, damaged, or illicit submissions, or for Internet, computer hardware and software, phone, and other technical errors, omissions malfunctions, and delays. Entries are void if they contain material typographical or other errors. All entrants agree to comply fully with each provision in these Rules. Any person attempting to defraud or in any way tamper with this Contest and any person who does not comply with these Rules, will be ineligible for any Prize(s) and may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

For any feedback or questions regarding the Contest or the Prizes please contact


10.Winners' List: For a list of Prize winners, please contact with the Subject Line “IoT Tutorial Contest Winners List” by 31 December 2015.


GeneralModification after Deadline Pin
Mahsa Hassankashi10-Nov-14 3:36
Mahsa Hassankashi10-Nov-14 3:36 
GeneralRe: Modification after Deadline Pin
Kevin Priddle11-Nov-14 11:06
professionalKevin Priddle11-Nov-14 11:06 
GeneralRe: Modification after Deadline Pin
Mahsa Hassankashi11-Nov-14 11:26
Mahsa Hassankashi11-Nov-14 11:26 
GeneralStage 3 due date ? Pin
Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju4-Nov-14 13:17
professionalGuruprasad.K.Basavaraju4-Nov-14 13:17 
GeneralRe: Stage 3 due date ? Pin
Kevin Priddle5-Nov-14 3:55
professionalKevin Priddle5-Nov-14 3:55 
GeneralRe: Stage 3 due date ? Pin
Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju9-Nov-14 20:23
professionalGuruprasad.K.Basavaraju9-Nov-14 20:23 
GeneralAzure is okay? Pin
Mario Vernari4-Nov-14 1:57
Mario Vernari4-Nov-14 1:57 
GeneralRe: Azure is okay? Pin
Kevin Priddle4-Nov-14 9:57
professionalKevin Priddle4-Nov-14 9:57 
GeneralStill 25 devices up for grabs! Pin
Kevin Priddle3-Nov-14 10:48
professionalKevin Priddle3-Nov-14 10:48 
GeneralEntering with an existing article Pin
Marco Bertschi22-Oct-14 21:23
protectorMarco Bertschi22-Oct-14 21:23 
GeneralRe: Entering with an existing article Pin
Kevin Priddle23-Oct-14 9:56
professionalKevin Priddle23-Oct-14 9:56 
Hey Marco!

It's fine to use that article as a starting point, but it should be updated in some way so it's a new version of the article and you should ensure it satisfies all the requirements listed in the Article Outlines & Topics section[^] above.

From the IoT contest Ts&Cs:
5. Participant Warranties:

By submitting an entry to the Contest, you warrant that your submission:

is a new article or a new version of an article and has not been published previously;

GeneralWhat about second round? Pin
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan21-Oct-14 6:16
professionalAfzaal Ahmad Zeeshan21-Oct-14 6:16 
GeneralRe: What about second round? Pin
Kevin Priddle21-Oct-14 7:24
professionalKevin Priddle21-Oct-14 7:24 
GeneralThe IoT Tutorial Contest has launched! Pin
Kevin Priddle17-Oct-14 3:45
professionalKevin Priddle17-Oct-14 3:45 
GeneralRe: The IoT Tutorial Contest has launched! Pin
Grasshopper.iics19-Oct-14 20:58
Grasshopper.iics19-Oct-14 20:58 
GeneralRe: The IoT Tutorial Contest has launched! Pin
Kevin Priddle21-Oct-14 11:11
professionalKevin Priddle21-Oct-14 11:11 

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16 Oct - 21 Dec 2014