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Best C# article of May 2012

Contribute to CodeProject and you'll automatically be in the running for a monthly prize!

Each month at CodeProject we gather together the best of the articles submitted the previous month and ask our readers to choose the best of the best. Entry is automatic - just submit you articke and we'll do the rest.

Check out the submission guidelines for information on posting articles.

Current Entries

Articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered. The top 50 entries are shown.

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23 Jan 2014Alberto Biafelli
How to make a simple web server which supports GZIP compression, applications, and sessions.
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23 May 2012Shweta Lodha
Reducing flicker and blinking in DataGridView.
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10 Jun 2012Vitaly Tomilov
Simple way of mapping HttpHandler requests into controller/action
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23 May 2012wim4you
This article describes one way of using the WPF TreeView to create tabbed Navigational Trees using MVVM for use in a File Explorer. In a next planned article a Tabbed Folder Plane will be added.
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19 Jan 2013Alessio Saltarin
Unsatisfied by the WPF Font Pickers available, I decided to write one on my own (well, almost...)
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29 May 2012Clifford Nelson
A runtime variables class to support multiple application development.
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22 May 2012Nicolas Dorier
How to unit test network resources access : The hacker way.
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18 May 2012hoonzis
This article describes how to use KnockoutJS, JQuery and Google Maps to create a responsive GUI of web applications. The usage of MVVM helps to keep JavaScript code organized and easy to evolve and maintain.
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1 May 2012Ivan Ičin
Custom WinForm ToolStrip that fixes some of the ToolTip related problems and adds few related features
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18 Jun 2012Mark Kruger
API which shows a Selection Overlay and notifies the caller when it's resizing and notifies the final rectangle.
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6 May 2012CodingBruce
How to use a Linq2Xsd generated object to directly manipulate XmlSchema
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18 May 2012deeptibansal
Adding event to Microsoft Outlook through Web Application
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13 Apr 2013Azim Zahir
Creating a spell check enabled RichText editor.
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8 May 2012Jeff B. Cromwell
This article examines the use of the ABMath and MathNet .NET packages for time series analysis.
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16 May 2012Chamila Nishantha
Following article describes how to add a gridview and a horizontal scrollbar without depending on the screen resolution
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3 May 2012Shenwei Liu
The article series shows how to upgrade a Silverlight application having basic patterns to the MVVM and MEF composable patterns with easy approaches and detailed coding explanations.
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7 May 2012Sankar Subramanian
How to convert number to word, number to eqviualent word, change number to word , how to convert number to text
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9 May 2012Guillaume Waser
WPF Progress controls and comparing related threads methods
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3 May 2012Gary H Guo
Discuss object decoration, functional programming and dynamic behaviors
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4 May 2012jstntham
Utility to auto generate individual Stored Procedure classes corresponding to each Stored Procedure on a Microsoft SQL Server database.
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15 May 2012Saikumar Koona
How to make a component dynamically load the config file.
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16 May 2012OriginalGriff
Loading an image from a database isn't difficult, but it can waste time. If you are loading a large list of Images (or even thumbnails) from a DB but not using them immediately, then it can take some considerable time. Why not load them on demand instead?
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29 May 2012Razi Syed
This is an alternative for "How to post back to the server using JavaScript in ASP.NET"
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7 May 2012coolnavjot31
Custom paging with only 10 pages shown in pager.
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3 May 2012igorvelho
VS2010 AddIn that allows to create a solution adding multiple projects at same time
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8 May 2012Jayson Ragasa
Expose those class members written in .NET, in VB6
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20 May 2012hjgode
How can you achieve a kiosk mode application, where the user is only allowed to do what you define.
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29 May 2012Erol Esen
Two relatively new ways of developing multi-threaded applications are compared: Synchronization Domains and the Task Parallel Library
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14 May 2012taha bahraminezhad Jooneghani
Problem around .first() method in EF and a good solution
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18 May 2012PIEBALDconsult
This is an alternative for "The Elegant Art of Programming"
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27 May 2012Yumashin Alex
This tip describes how to change DataGridView behavior concerning row resizing
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29 May 2012Mabchour 1989
Winform app to edit EDIFACT files to remove non-printable ASCII chars
3 May 2012Peter Hanustiak
Resco offers classes that create universal interface that can access barcode scanners of various devices. This means that one application will be able to scan barcodes from different devices.
7 May 2012Yoisel Melis Santana
PDF forms or AcroForms allow users to interactively edit specific portions of a PDF document. A PDF form is composed by AcroForm fields that provide a name-value association. This paper will focus on how to provide client and server AcroForm editing capabilities to your Silverlight application.
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9 May 2012Paul Marques
Simple way to do internationalization on your Windows Phone app.
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14 May 2012Mossmyr
Converts any integer (32-bit) into its numeral (string)
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14 May 2012Mohamed Amine Aboura
Using Google Search By Image within your .NET application
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26 May 2012pramodchand
Using collection of UserControls in WinForm since WinForm does not have a control like DataList server control of WebForm.
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21 May 2012Tim Corey
Learn how to go from being an absolute beginner in the Managed Extensibility Framework to being an advanced user.
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17 Sep 2013Jani Giannoudis
Design patterns on the presentation layer for WPF, Silverlight and Windows Phone applications.
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7 May 2012Sperneder Patrick
This article describes how to handle and use the SpeechRecognitionEngine class that is shipped with and since .NET 3.0.
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7 May 2012Vitaliy Shibaev
This article describes how to use Javascript code to create interactive PDF documents.
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30 May 2012Miloslav Beno
This article describes how to extend WordPress with plugins written in C# and shows very first C# plugin for this system.
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25 May 2012CodingBruce
Self-installing version tracking REST service for builds
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10 Jun 2012Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
This article explains how you can use functional programming in C#.
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19 Jun 2012David Catriel
How to get a list of data rows that caused an exception (or several of them) in a SqlBulkCopy operation
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5 May 2012Duc Huy Nguyen
Wrap a C# library for use in Java, a folktale about an idiot coding at midnight.
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14 May 2012Andreas Gieriet
Make floating point equality and relation operators reliable based on a comparison epsilon value.
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18 Jul 2012Yves Vaillancourt
Adding an extension method to LINQ to flatten any hierarchical collection
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21 May 2012Dave Kerr
Learn how to add Commands to your MVVM application to add functionality without breaking the separation of View and ViewModel.

Current Participants

Those with articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered.

Software Developer
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Alberto Biafelli,
Software Developer
Software Developer (Senior)
Italy Italy
Alessio Saltarin is Certified IT Architect and Senior Software Developer. He writes articles and book reviews for some italian magazines. He is the author of "Ruby e Rails" book.
Founder eXternSoft GmbH
Switzerland Switzerland
I feel comfortable on a variety of systems (UNIX, Windows, cross-compiled embedded systems, etc.) in a variety of languages, environments, and tools.
I have a particular affinity to computer language analysis, testing, as well as quality management.

More information about what I do for a living can be found at my LinkedIn Profile and on my company's web page (German only).
Instructor / Trainer NIIT, India
India India
I am a trainer by profession. Currently I am working with iFuture Technologies(India) as a Senior Faculty. I enjoy programming as a hobby. During my career I have seen the growth and decline of many technologies, many of them being my favorites like Flash, WPF, Windows Mobile Development. Few of my current favorites are Android, Xamarin and Python, though I also like traditional and evergreen languages like PHP, C#, Visual Basic and Java.

Apart from computers, my favorite pastime is bicycling.
Software Developer
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior) Clifford Nelson Consulting
United States United States
Has been working as a C# developer on contract for the last several years, including 3 years at Microsoft. Previously worked with Visual Basic and Microsoft Access VBA, and have developed code for Word, Excel and Outlook. Started working with WPF in 2007 when part of the Microsoft WPF team. For the last eight years has been working primarily as a senior WPF/C# and Silverlight/C# developer. Currently working as WPF developer with BioNano Genomics in San Diego, CA redesigning their UI for their camera system. he can be reached at
Engineer Big Company
United States United States
My professional career began as a developer fixing bugs on Microsoft Word97 and I've been fixing bad habits ever since. Now I do R&D work writing v1 line of business applications mostly in C#/.Net.

I've been an avid pilot/instructor for 13+ years, I've built two airplanes and mostly fly gliders now for fun. I commute in an all-electric 1986 BMW 325 conversion.

I'd like to get back to my academic roots of programming 3D analysis applications to organize complex systems.
Software Developer
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Follow my blog at and find out about my charity at
Team Leader
Canada Canada
A developer that's been tinkering with computers since he first laid eyes on his buddy's Atari in the mid 80's and messed around with GWBasic and Logo. He now divides his time among his wife, kids, and evil mistress (a term lovingly [ahem...] given to his computer by the wife ...).

For more info, please see my LinkedIn profile:
Software Developer
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Vietnam Vietnam
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
United States United States
Object-oriented (OO) is about "classes" not "objects". But I truly believe that "objects" deserve more our attentions. If you agree, read more on... Dynamic Object Programming (DOP), Component-Based Object Extender (CBO Extender), AOP Container and Dynamic Decorator Pattern.

Mobile development is not just another type of front end. The real challenge is actually in the back end: How to present meaningful information in time to mobile users with exponentially increased data flooding around? Here is my first mobile solution: SmartBars - Barcode Reader, Price Comparison and Coupons.

Gary lives in southeast Michigan. My first programming language is FORTRAN. For the last a few years, I have primarily focused on .NET technologies with Mobile Development as my newest interest.
France France
WPF and MVVM fan, I practice C # in all its forms from the beginning of the NET Framework without mentioning C ++ / MFC and other software packages such as databases, ASP, WCF, Web & Windows services, Application, and now Core and UWP.
In my wasted hours, I am guilty of having fathered C.B.R. and its cousins C.B.R. for WinRT and UWP on the Windows store.
But apart from that, I am a great handyman ... the house, a rocket stove to heat the jacuzzi and the last one: a wood oven for pizza, bread, and everything that goes inside
Germany Germany
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Junior) OCTO Technology
Czech Republic Czech Republic
Writing software at ITG RFQ-hub.
Articles at OCTO blog
Software Developer
Brazil Brazil
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
CEO Labsii
Serbia Serbia
Speech Central app on Windows, macOS, iOS, Apple TV, Android
Software Developer (Senior)
Switzerland Switzerland
👨 Senior .NET Software Engineer

🚀 My Open Source Projects
- Time Period Library 👉 GitHub
- Payroll Engine 👉 GitHub

Feedback and contributions are welcome.

Founder Capploud
Philippines Philippines
I am an experienced Applications Developer and had worked professionally for over 6 years. I have been writing codes and building different applications for over 13+ years. My work is mostly for Microsoft technologies such as .NET. Yes I am Microsoft technology enthusiast.

My field of expertise in .NET technology are Desktop and Windows Mobile and Windows Phone. I occasionally write ASP.NET too for clients.

I have wide experience of different programming languages and scripts such as: Turbo Pascal, Batch Scripts, C/C++, Visual Basic Classic, Visual Basic .NET, Java, HTML, CSS, ASP Classic, VB Script, ASP.NET, T-SQL, MySQL, PHP, C#, Javascript, jQuery, HTML5, RegEx, XAML, XML, JSON, and XPath

I am also experienced in different platforms such as: Google Data API, Google Map API, Twitter API, Facebook API, Flickr API, Skydrive API, SVN, GitHub, Drupal, and Orchard.

I am interested in Microsoft technologies, User Experience and User Interfaces, Algorithms, Robotics, Astronomy, Architecture, Electrical, Mechanics, and Extra Therestrial Life on other planets.

I am also offering free coding and application development consultations with students having a problem with their Thesis projects.

View my full Curriculum Vitae here
CEO The Cromwell Workshop
United States United States
Dr. Jeff B. Cromwell is the CEO/Neuroeconomist at The Cromwell Workshop.

Scholar Site:
Web Site:
Program Manager Microsoft
Serbia Serbia
Graduated from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computer Techniques and Informatics, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Currently working in Microsoft as Program Manager on SQL Server product.
Member of JQuery community - created few popular plugins (four popular JQuery DataTables add-ins and loadJSON template engine).
Interests: Web and databases, Software engineering process(estimation and standardization), mobile and business intelligence platforms.
Web Developer
Malaysia Malaysia
software/web development has always been a passion for me, started off with a beginners course in 1986 and got hooked ever since.
Morocco Morocco
This member doesn't quite have enough reputation to be able to display their biography and homepage.
Netherlands Netherlands
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer DEVSENSE s.r.o
Czech Republic Czech Republic
Miloslav is software developer of open-source PHP compiler & runtime for .NET/Mono called Phalanger and PHP Tools for Visual Studio. He's graduated at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University in Prague. Beside of compilers and dynamic languages he is also interested in semantic web technologies. Available on twitter @miloslavbeno
Software Developer
Algeria Algeria
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Sweden Sweden
This member doesn't quite have enough reputation to be able to display their biography and homepage.
Software Developer Freelance
France France
I am currently the CTO of Metaco, we are leveraging the Bitcoin Blockchain for delivering financial services.

I also developed a tool to make IaaS on Azure more easy to use IaaS Management Studio.

If you want to contact me, go this way Smile | :)
Wales Wales
Born at an early age, he grew older. At the same time, his hair grew longer, and was tied up behind his head.
Has problems spelling the word "the".
Invented the portable cat-flap.
Currently, has not died yet. Or has he?
Software Developer ByteMarq
United Kingdom United Kingdom
This member doesn't quite have enough reputation to be able to display their biography and homepage.
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
BSCS 1992 Wentworth Institute of Technology

Originally from the Boston (MA) area. Lived in SoCal for a while. Now in the Phoenix (AZ) area.

OpenVMS enthusiast, ISO 8601 evangelist, photographer, opinionated SOB, acknowledged pedant and contrarian


"I would be looking for better tekkies, too. Yours are broken." -- Paul Pedant

"Using fewer technologies is better than using more." -- Rico Mariani

"Good code is its own best documentation. As you’re about to add a comment, ask yourself, ‘How can I improve the code so that this comment isn’t needed?’" -- Steve McConnell

"Every time you write a comment, you should grimace and feel the failure of your ability of expression." -- Unknown

"If you need help knowing what to think, let me know and I'll tell you." -- Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]

"Typing is no substitute for thinking." -- R.W. Hamming

"I find it appalling that you can become a programmer with less training than it takes to become a plumber." -- Bjarne Stroustrup

ZagNut’s Law: Arrogance is inversely proportional to ability.

"Well blow me sideways with a plastic marionette. I've just learned something new - and if I could award you a 100 for that post I would. Way to go you keyboard lovegod you." -- Pete O'Hanlon

"linq'ish" sounds like "inept" in German -- Andreas Gieriet

"Things would be different if I ran the zoo." -- Dr. Seuss

"Wrong is evil, and it must be defeated." –- Jeff Ello

"A good designer must rely on experience, on precise, logical thinking, and on pedantic exactness." -- Nigel Shaw

“It’s always easier to do it the hard way.” -- Blackhart

“If Unix wasn’t so bad that you can’t give it away, Bill Gates would never have succeeded in selling Windows.” -- Blackhart

"Use vertical and horizontal whitespace generously. Generally, all binary operators except '.' and '->' should be separated from their operands by blanks."

"Omit needless local variables." -- Strunk... had he taught programming
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
My area of expertise is developing management database systems for business so that they can efficiently store and lookup existing customer's information and related data, and be able to generate various reports. My goal is to always deliver innovative design and a user friendly interface.
India India
I work as a Technical Architect at one of the leading US-based Organization., I am passionate to learn new thing and love to share my observations and learnings via. articles.
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
United States United States
Shenwei is a software developer and architect, and has been working on business applications using Microsoft and Oracle technologies since 1996. He obtained Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) in 1998 and Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) in 1999. He has experience in ASP.NET, C#, Visual Basic, Windows and Web Services, Silverlight, WPF, JavaScript/AJAX, HTML, SQL Server, and Oracle.
Technical Lead
India India
You can also follow me at my blog
Software Developer (Senior)
Austria Austria
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Taha has started programming at the age of 16 and he has taken an avid interest in Microsoft technologies. He professionally works on ASP.NET and C#. Mainly, He lives for getting the world into codes and follows this aspiration in a third world country with lack of facility and support. He never gives up seeking success and competence.
Software Developer (Senior) DeGarmo
United States United States
I am currently a Senior Software Developer at a company in Illinois called DeGarmo. My primary skills are in .NET, SQL, JavaScript, and other web technologies although I have worked with PowerShell, C, and Java as well.

In my previous positions, I have worked as a lead developer, professor and IT Director. As such, I have been able to develop software on a number of different types of systems and I have learned how to correctly oversee the overall direction of technology for an organization. I've developed applications for everything from machine automation to complete ERP systems.

I enjoy taking hard subjects and making them easy to understand for people unfamiliar with the topic.
Software Developer Bit Miracle
Russian Federation Russian Federation
Vitaliy Shibaev is a developer and co-founder of Bit Miracle, company developing the Docotic.Pdf, Jpeg2000.Net, LibTiff.Net libraries.

Docotic.Pdf - pure .NET library for PDF processing. It is a high-quality library for text extraction, PDF to image conversion, compressing PDF, and other PDF tasks.

Jpeg2000.Net - the library for encoding/decoding JPEG 2000 images in .NET.
Software Developer (Senior) Sibedge IT
Ireland Ireland
My online CV:
Netherlands Netherlands
Retired hobby programmer.
Yoisel Melis Santana is a senior software developer with more than 10 years of experience in web and mobile application design and development. He has joined Amyuni Technologies three years ago and has since acquired considerable experience in PDF technologies and their applications in the mobile development field. Yoisel can be reached by email or through our online contact form at
Software Developer (Senior)
Russian Federation Russian Federation
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Architect CGI
Canada Canada
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
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This contest has ended.
1 May - 31 May 2012