I graduated from Monterrey Institute of Technology in December 2003 with a degree in Electrical Engineering, of which I mostly remember nothing!
I have been programming since I was 10 when I learned QuickBasic. I have experience in C/C++, MFC, Win32, Visual Basic (don't tell anyone!), HTML, ASP, and recently in C# (which I like very much BTW), ASP.NET, and ADO.NET/SQL Server.
Now that I have to work, I'm currently the president of
Intelectix, my own little company, that I founded in June 2004, where we do contract work in software development (and a little web design and hosting), specializing in .NET. I even already have four other people working with me, very good all of them!
Having some big projects already, we've been doing very good, so good in fact that only recently we finished our web site (which currently is only in Spanish -- English version coming soon!)
I have special interests in cars (Audi, Formula 1) and golf -- I used to be good at it (at one point a +2, now a 6 handicap on the board, but playing much worse than that.)